Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hello there!
It's certainly been a while since I've been on... and thought that I had anything remotely interesting to offer, but here goes.
An update in the publishing process of HICKORY HILL! Woo hoo! I've decide, after my latest round of rejections from agents, that 'no' I cannot and will not add vampires, zombies or any other marketable creatures to HICKORY HILL, as it is 'Historical Fiction'... "Hello?"
HICKORY HILL will be published through Stonethread Publishing, a Harvey Stanbrough production.
It's been cut from over 600 pages to around 404 to make it more marketable, per suggestions of 'agents' that would not take it on. Personally, I liked the long version, but I am a bit of a rambler. As with any other historical fiction, I suspect, difficulty lies in the fact that there is always more of the story that brings more stories that should be told. Sadly, the lines have to be drawn somewhere.
Currently the hold-up on letting it proceed is one of the real-life characters hasn't signed off on it. If he doesn't sign soon, I'm going to have to change his name, and I'd really hate to do that.
So... here we go!